Today Luton Borough Council’s Development Control Committee will determine 2020 Developments’ planning application at Newlands Park for a for a mixed-use gateway scheme incorporating offices, retail and leisure.

An artist's impression of the Newlands Park development

An artist’s impression of the Newlands Park development

The meeting will take place from 4pm at Luton Town Hall and will also be live streamed online and live-tweeted via the #saveourtown Twitter page.

The Development Control Committee is held in public but is not a public meeting. This means attendees may attend to watch, but will not be able to participate in any way.

Can you attend?

To avoid disappointment, the council are encouraging people to watch the meeting online via the stream.

The council say that space in the committee room, where the meeting is being held, is limited to 60 members of the public, however this includes the applicant (and their representatives) and objectors who take up their ‘Right to Speak’.

There is significant public interest in the planning application. For this reason, Luton Council have partnered with BBC Three Counties to provide a live stream so people can watch the meeting online as it is happening.

If capacity in the meeting room is exceeded, people will be able to watch the stream in the Council Chamber. However, this only has capacity for an additional 90 people.