Image provided by Postal Workers Facebook page
All of us on the #saveourtown committee just wanted to acknowledge the wonderful way Luton is pulling together to, well, save our town at this unprecedented time in our history.
To all of those Lutonians on the frontline, we thank you. In absolutely no particular order and with apologies if we have forgotten anyone, to strangers helping strangers, to kind neighbours, to local businesses that have adapted and repurposed with no notice, to our shop workers, our carers, our postmen and postwomen, our teachers, our pharmacists, our pubs and restaurants for adapting to home deliveries, all our drivers, our engineers who are now making much-needed medical equipment, to all key workers, to our emergency services, our nurses, our doctors and the NHS as a whole, we salute you.
The sense of community is apparent. Just look at the wonderful work you are all doing within the Covid-19 Luton Community Action Group on Facebook and beyond.
Better together, yet apart.